What’s the FTTA(Fiber to The Antenna)

Whats the FTTA(Fiber to The Antenna)

As its name implies, FTTA is Fiber to the antenna.

Recently the smart phone and tablets are the necessary part of peoples daily life. The user consumption is and will continue increasing ans so the data is required to keep non-stop growing.
According to the conventional way, Coax cables would be added and it will also cause more weight and wind resistance to the towers. So many operators decided to use optic fibers instead of the coax cables.

An upgraded optical fiber technology is able to provide more capacity to the cell towers and form a new norm of telecommunication tower builds. In a new cell-tower deployment for FTTA, the fibers always run from the base station to the Remote Radio Head(RRH) which is at the top of the antenna. A based fiber optic systems that converts the digital signals into analog, closed to antenna and the fibers is used to join the RRU to the Baseband Unit(BBU) located where its most convenient and wont be mandatory stuck with RRH.

The fiber types for FTTA are Multimode and singlemode. But which one is to be used depends on the transceivers and its applications. Multimode fibers work with lower cost and short distance capacities but singlemode fibers requires high precision costly tranceivers with long distance capacities. The Operators always prefer to choose factory terminated cables with LC connectors, because LC connector has a small size and will reduce the space use.
